FGAM Kids Ministry is running a 4pm Olympics Special on August 11 in the classrooms.

“Go for the Gold with God”:  Honour & Respect God, spend time in prayer & read our Bible, listen & obey God, and persevere or never give up.  We will look at Isaiah 58:6-11, where Isaiah is speaking to the people of Judah and telling them things to do and not do.  In order to be a true Christian we need to stop hurting each other (just as Isaiah said).  For kids that may include hurtful words, bullying, making fun of others, not listening to our parents, judging others, etc.

We will dive into discussion with kids about ways we can help make our world/ sphere of influence, a better place and how we can be better Christians at home, at schools, to our neighbours.

Contact: Sonja Loke at sonja.loke@fgam.org.au