Pastor's Welcome

A Welcome Message from the Senior Pastor
We’d love to help you connect with God in a fresh way. As a ‘Household of FAITH’ we recognize God’s family is diverse and we need to make room for the hands and feet, eyes and ears of God in their various forms.
Relationship is our strength and we aim to allow the generations and special interest groups to connect with God in their own way, while still finding their place in the broader ‘household’.
Throughout scripture, God established ‘households’ to uphold Faith and shine as a blessing for the nations. This started with the first ‘family’ in Adam and Eve (Gen 1:28) and was unfolded through the ‘family’ nation of Israel starting with Abraham (Gen 12:1-3). Then, through Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), a new kind of household was established – the church (or ekklesia). Households (like families and churches) are relational and nurture those growing in them.
We aim to inspire ordinary people to grow in faith and establish a culture that nurtures people into their God given destiny.
Love and blessings in Christ,
A Message from the Founding Pastor
This church is living proof that God helps people meet challenges. From those early pioneering days over 25 years ago through the many changes and upheavals along the way Evelyn and I have seen people’s lives transformed, miracles of God’s grace, strength to endure, healing from hurts and wonderful growth in lives and families.
Life is dynamic and nothing is guaranteed. But God’s grace is always enough.
I am so delighted with the men, women, young people and children who have shown God at work in their lives over the decades. I can now say with confidence, having seen life and death, blessing and struggles in the lives of so many, that Our God is Always Able to Deliver and He is Faithful to His Promises.
I am privileged to continue in ministry alongside the new Senior Pastor and to see the same pattern of God’s wonderful grace evident in each new day and each new challenge.
We are not a perfect church, because that requires perfect people. But we are a place where people can be real and can have a real encounter with the Living God.
My prayer is that God’s grace and the power of God’s Holy Spirit continue to be vitally available to all in every situation we face, and that the ‘Household’ we enjoy as FGA Melbourne will be a continued partner to multitudes of people as they move forward in the purposes of God.
Pastor Roland Seow