Cambodia Mission Trip (CMT2024)
6 Aug to 16 Aug
Financial Donations Only

Thank you to all those who have donated towards the Cambodia Mission Trip in August 2024. Ps YC Goh and Michael Chee are taking a team of 8 members to Cambodia for a Mission Trip in August 2024. On this trip, there will be ministries:

  1. Deaf & Blind School – Total of 232 (incl 43 teachers) plus a TV for the school
  2. Mother Teresa Children – Total of 25-30 children
  3. Girls of Cambodia Ministry
  4. College & Uni Students – 85 students
  5. Prey Krang Village – Outreach seminar/ministries to about 360 (incl 260 children/youth)
  6. Krang Leav Village – Outreach ministry to about 160 (incl 100 children/youth)
  7. Chambok Village – Outreach ministry to about 220 (incl 160 children/youth)
  8. Baray Province – visits to orphanages, schools, ministry to pastors, etc
  9. Purchase of a TV, stationery items for the children/youth, mattresses, chairs, food parcels; meals for outreaches/seminars/local pastors/leaders, including love gifts to local pastors, interpreters, lay leaders, etc.

Due to an increase in ministry needs to reach over 1,200 individuals, we are appealing for additional financial contributions of $3,500 to help fund the above activities/initiatives.

All financial contributions to FGA Melbourne’s general bank account:

Bank: Full Gospel Assembly Melbourne
BSB: 063109
ACC: 1027 9470

Ref: Cambodia Missions 2024 or CMT 2024

For more information, contact Ps YC Goh at

FYI, all donations in kind/cash will go towards the various ministries activities/initiatives as all members of the mission team will pay for their personal expenses – travels, food, etc