Prophetic Wisdom Resources

This year FGA Melbourne is focusing on different types of Wisdom. In addition to the traditional wisdom books of James, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Hosea, we will take time to look at God’s wisdom imparted through the prophetic. This series looks specifically at the gift of prophecy as found in the New Testament.

Prophecy is one of the means by which God communicates with people. As the gift of prophecy is given by God, it’s wise for us to think about it the way God does. In this Prophetic Wisdom Home Group series, Ps. Chris Ong will look to Scripture to guide and teach us about the prophetic. We will look at the different ways God communicates with us and learn how to wisely handle prophecies as either a giver or receiver of a prophetic expression. We will also put into practice what we have learnt so we can experience the strength, encouragement and comfort that God can bring to each of us through this gift (1 Cor 14:1-3)